Click on the different branches for
further details.
latest innovative tools
Mappeverbe French verb ending mind map
is part of Mappeverbe's range of innovative tools to learn French
verbs such as:
Mappeverbe Fast track to French verb
forms in 90 verbs

au coeur de la conjugaison

Mappeverbe de conjugaison française de
l'indicatif présent
Mappeverbe de conjugaison française en
90 verbes
La conjugaison française
à pas de géant
La Règle à conjuguer 222
verbes (out of print)
La Carte mémoire des
terminaisons des 7 temps principaux
La Carte mémoire des
terminaisons de l'indicatif présent
Les puzzles Mappeverbe sur
All the endings of
French verbs
The above French verb ending mind
map shows all the endings of French verbs in all tenses as well as the
different stems they are associated with. This map is interactive; click on
its different branches to show all its details or click on the Map overview
button in the top menu.

The equivalent of 90 classical
verb tables on a
disk of 7,7" of diameter.
More details
with démonstration
video |
Everything you need to know
about tense formation
One of the biggest advantage
with Mappeverbe's learning tools is that you learn how to learn. Indeed,
with this mind map, you will learn how all tenses are formed. And there is a
logic in it. Thus you will learn how to form at least four tenses out of one
tense which is the Indicatif présent.
In the end, you will notice that
endings are not many and exceptions mostly relate to the truly irregular
verbs être (to be) , aller (to go), avoir (to have), faire (to do or
A better understanding of what
a verb is
There are two key elements in a
verb form: the stem (radical in French) and the ending (terminaison
in French).
Both elements form a single word
which is called the conjugated form of verb.
Conjugating a verb means giving
it all the forms it may take according to tenses and subject pronouns. Verbs
use different stems and types of endings according to tenses.
Easier pronunciation with the
subject pronoun new order
All Mappeverbe's verb learning
tools use the following order of subject pronouns:
je, tu, il/ elle/on,
nous, vous.
The stem is the initial part of a
verb form: in the form he wins, win is the stem. It indicates its meaning.
The stem is also called the root.
The ending is the final part of a
verb form: in the form he wins, s is the ending.
Here are a dozen of French verbs whose
form is split into stem and ending: